BCRS Ltd has operated on the farm since its incorporation in 2022. We manage the composting facility and product sales at Church Farm Ryarsh.

How we process your green waste

We turn green waste into compost. Our aim is to help divert organic materials from landfills and create a valuable resource that enriches soil health, supporting sustainable gardening and farming practices.

As well as offering commercial solutions for garden waste disposal, we can provide customised services including manure and muck heap removals. Get in touch to discuss personalised pricing depending on your requirements.

What's the process?


Green waste is dropped off in an old silage clamp. We use a tractor-mounted mulcher to begin the mechanical break-down of the plants and branches. This also reduces the volume of the feedstock by up to 50%, making it easier to transport.


When the silage clamp is reaching capacity, we transport all the mulch to our composting field. It is stored in windrows (rows of material) and begins 'slow composting' for up to two years. We don't turn the windrows at this stage.


The best bit! We hire a high-speed waste shredder to process all the material down to small shreds, and reform it into windrows.


As the material aerobically decomposes, it heats up to over 60°C. By turning the material regularly, oxygen, heat and moisture are redistributed through the windrow.

After 3-4 months, we reach a finished compost mulch.


Depending on which grade of compost you're creating, the mulch can be screened to remove material that hasn't fully decomposed, resulting in a fine, premium compost.